Presale point | Address | Presale opening hours | Presale contact |
Aalt Stadhaus, Differdange | 38, avenue Charlotte L-4530 DIFFERDANGE |
Monday to friday: 10h00 - 12h00 and 14h00 - 17h00 | +352 58 77 1 - 1900 |
Artikuss, Soleuvre | Administration communale de Sanem 60, rue de la Poste L-4477 BELVAUX |
Monday to friday: 8h30 - 11h30 and 13h30 - 16h00 Sale only for performances organized by the municipality of Sanem |
+352 59 30 75 1 |
CAPE – Centre des Arts Pluriels Ettelbruck a.s.b.l. |
1, place Marie-Adelaïde L-9063 ETTELBRUCK |
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 14h00-18h00 | +352 2681 2681 |
CUBE 521 | 1-3, Driicht L-9764 MARNACH |
Tuesday and Thursday: 14h00 - 18h00 | +352 521 521 |
Kinneksbond, Centre Culturel Mamer | 42, route d’Arlon L-8210 MAMER |
Tuesday to friday: 13h00 - 17h00 | +352 263 95 160 |
Kulturhaus Niederanven | 145, route de Trèves L-6940 NIEDERANVEN |
Monday and friday: 8h00 - 14h00 Tuesday to thursday: 8h00 - 16h00 |
+352 26 34 73 1 |
Luxembourg City Tourist Office | 30, place Guillaume II L–1648 LUXEMBOURG |
Monday to Saturday (including public holidays): 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sunday (including public holidays): 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Closed: 01.01 and 25.12 |
sale on site only |
Trifolion | 2, Porte S. Willibrord L-6486 ECHTERNACH |
Monday to friday: 13h00 - 18h00 | 352 26 72 39 500 |